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International Expert Roundtable: e-Invoicing System (Poland, Germany, Romania, Turkey)

Data wydarzenia 20 lutego 2024
Miasto online
Początek - koniec 10:00-11:15

A revolution in invoicing is coming. Is your company ready for it?

The e-invoicing system is a revolutionary tool for issuing and sharing structured invoices. Many countries are already using e-invoices in their daily work.  How do you prepare to implement the system in your organisation? How does e-invoicing work in other countries?

Join us for a live-webinar where Rödl & Partner experts will describe the implementation of the e-Invoicing System in their countries: Poland, Germany, Romania and Turkey.

The webinar will be in English.


Katarzyna Judkowiak – Partner, Tax advisor, Rödl & Partner Poland
Ulrich Schafer - Partner, Auditor, Tax advisor, BPO, Rödl & Partner Germany
Liviu Plescan - Partner, Head of BPO, Rödl & Partner Romania
Berfu Or - Team Leader, Senior Associate, BPO, Rödl & Partner Turkey

Sign up and gain practical knowledge and a new perspective on the invoicing of the future »

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