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Doing business in Poland

Data wydarzenia 13 czerwca 2023
Miasto online
Początek - koniec 13:00-14:00

Are you interested in expanding your business to Poland? Do you want to know more about the Polish market and its opportunities? Then this webinar is for you! 

During our webinar, we will explore the ins and outs of doing business in Poland, including the economic climate in Poland. We will also discuss key factors like taxes, regulatory framework and investment incentives. Whether you are a small business owner or a multinational corporation, this webinar will provide valuable insights into how to succeed in the Polish market. Join us and discover the potential of doing business in Poland!​


​Legal & regulatory environment of business in Poland
​Grzegorz Gęborek
​Tax conditions in Poland (investment tax incentives)
​Magdalena Szwarc
Financial support for investments in Poland from public funds - subsidies
​Magdalena Skurowska
​Infrastructural investments, land activation for investment purposes in Poland
​Michał Rafałowicz
​Q&A session

Grzegorz Gęborek, Associate Partner, Attorney at Law at Rödl & Partner Gliwice
Michał Rafałowicz, Regional Director of Newmark Polska
Magdalena Skurowska, New Investment Expert at Rödl & Partner Warszawa
Magdalena Szwarc, Senior Associate, Tax Advisor at Rödl & Partner Wrocław

The webinar will be held in English.

Opłata free of charge
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