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RES – key changes for producers

Data wydarzenia 26 stycznia 2023
Miasto online
Początek - koniec 10:30-11;15

We have recently seen a series of unprecedented interventions in the electricity market that are changing the situation of renewable electricity producers. On the one hand, both the European Commission and the government intend to impose additional financial burdens on producers, thus limiting their profits from energy sales. On the other hand, we are increasingly aware that renewable energy sources are the foundation of energy independence and security, and we can see changes on the horizon that may facilitate the development of renewable energy in Poland.


During the webinar, Rödl & Partner experts will discuss the latest legislative changes in this area and explain the risks and opportunities associated with RES in the new legal reality.





- What additional charges will renewable energy producers need to pay?
- Grounds for exemption from the additional charges on the sale of renewable energy.
- EU legislation and profits from renewable energy sales
- Legislative changes that promote the development of renewable energy in Poland
- Potential legislative threats to renewable energy in 2023


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Prelegenci Piotr Mrowiec, Rödl & Partner Gdańsk
Jakub Plebański, Rödl & Partner
Jakub Wajs, Rödl & Partner Gdańsk
Opłata free of charge
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