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Jarosław Kamiński


Attorney at law (Poland)



+48 694 207 482

Profile - Overview

 LinkedIn »

– entered in the register of Attorneys at Law of the District Bar Association in Warsaw since 2014, 

– with Rödl & Partner since 2014,

–​​ appointed a P​artner​ in 2024,​

– author of numerous press articles and releases, 

– lead auditor ISO 27001:2017,

– internal auditor ISO 9001,

– specialized in personal data protection and new technologies,

– M&A expert.


– graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan,
– holder of a scholarship from the University of Rennes 1 (France),
– Foreign Language College at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan,
– completed post-graduate tax course at Łazarski University.



Selected publications 

– Odpowiedzialności członka zarządu za szkodę wyrządzoną spółce » 

– Dodatkowe obowiązki majątkowe wspólników - wyrok SN » 

– Kiedy zamawiający inwestor może odstąpić od umowy o roboty budowlane »

– Skutki niedopuszczenia akcjonariusza do udziału w walnym zgromadzeniu - wyrok Sądu Najwyższego »

Whistleblowing Summit 2022



– M&A,

– personal data protection,

– contract law,

– copyright law,

– advisory services in the field of commercial and corporate law, real property law, contract law and intellectual property law,

– legal and financial procedures within Due Diligence projects,

– advisory services for leading financial institutions and companies in the scope of Share Deal and Asset Deal transactions.

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