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Financial audit


​​​​What is a financial audit?

Financial audit is typically an audit of financial statements. Auditors audit the financial statements of an entity to check if they provide a true and accurate picture of its financial standing. Auditors also carry out special audits (e.g. audit of the enterprise merger/demerger/ transformation plan), as well as audit-related engagements, such as financial due diligence or enterprise valuation.

The knowledge of regulations that govern the functioning of commercial companies and partnerships is key for their owners, members, managers and supervisors.


Rödl & Partner experts explain topics important for domestic and international groups that wish to restructure, such as mergers, acquisitions, demergers and transformations of enterprises.
We also keep you updated on information obligations of enterprises and requirements concerning financial statement auditing arising from the Accounting Act.


Statutory auditor –​ what kind of profession is that?​ »​​

Statutory auditor is a public trust profession. This prestigious job involves great responsibility and it takes a lot of time and effort to become one. What are the duties of a statutory auditor?​


Confirmation of balances – what is it and how to do it? »

Confirmation of balances is a statutory obligation of every enterprise. It promotes keeping financial records in accordance with applicable laws.


A step-by-step guide to stocktaking of company assets »

Companies are required to carry out a stocktaking at the end of every year. This is a statutory obligation and failure to comply with it triggers legal consequences. A Rödl & Partner expert discusses major stocktaking issues.


Financial statements – no more extended deadline »

The financial statements for the financial year lasting from 1 January to 31 December 2022 need to be approved by 30 June 2023.


E-financial statements – how to file them? »

Financial statements contain basic financial information about an entity's business activity for a given year. The obligation to prepare financial statements applies to all entities, regardless of the form of their business, that are obliged to keep books of account, and entities that voluntarily opted for keeping books of account.

Audit of financial statements – basic information »

The audit of financial statements aims first of all to increase the trust of financial statement users in the figures presented in the financial statements.

What are the reporting obligations of companies listed on the stock exchange in Poland »

Investors assess the financial standing and the development prospects of a company based on information provided by the stock market participants. 

Poland: Related parties? What parties »

The Polish Accounting Act requires entities to draw up the notes to the financial statements in which they present transactions and accounts in breakdown by those with related parties and third parties. 

German accounting law (HGB) – when does it matter for Polish companies »

Despite the growing popularity of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the financial reporting, local accounting principles still play a significant role for many companies. 

Financial statement audit procedure »

An audit of financial statement consists mainly in procedures aimed at obtaining audit evidence for amounts and disclosures presented in the financial statements. 

Agreed-upon procedures – a seldom used auditor service in Poland »

We all know that auditors carry out audits and reviews of financial statements. Occasionally, they co-author the statements. 

Integrated reporting – new regulations – challenges and opportunities »

Directive 2014/95/EU of 15 November 2014 amended Directive 2013/34/EU as regards disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by certain large undertakings and groups.

Changes to the Polish Accounting Act 2016 »

2016 is a year of changes brought by the amended Accounting Act. They generally apply to the preparation of financial statements for the year started on 1 January 2016. 


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Magdalena Ludwiczak

Auditor (Poland)


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Therese Baginski

Auditor (Poland)


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