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Financial and payroll accounting


In this section we present hot topics in financial accounting and payroll & HR.


Our experts share their experience and practical knowledge helping you understand legal regulations that can have an impact on conducting business in Poland. We also present commentaries on current case law, practical tips and hints, elaborate on issues concerning the Accounting Act, financial statements, taxation issues and topics relating to employment law and settlements with the Polish Social Insurance Institution and the tax office. 

We discuss specific examples of tools and solutions supporting accounting in a broad sense.



Profit and loss account – key information »

Financial statements of an economic entity consists of three documents: balance sheet, profit and loss account (income statement), and the notes.


Secure accounting with Rödl & Partner »

Security, speed and reliability are necessary in every business in the virtual world of goods and services. 


R-flow – you have no time to waste time »

R-flow is an electronic tool that lets you optimise your purchase invoice workflow quickly and easily. R-flow gives you access to and control over your business documentation wherever you are. 


ISO/IEC 27001 standard – standardisation of information security management systems »

Our firm has recently been certified by the British Standards Institution (BSI) as an organisation which has implemented the Information Security Management System in compliance with ISO/IEC 27001:2013. 


Eco-friendly accounting firm – how to do it »

Eco-friendliness is a topic that is discussed more and more frequently and is a part of our everyday life. When doing shopping, we increasingly more often choose organic food and natural cosmetics. 


Robotic Desktop Automation in Business Process Outsourcing »

Robotic Process Automation, or RPA, is a software technology enabling the automation of tasks in business processes. 


Lean Management – the art of optimising processes »

Digitisation of processes is quite a challenge for companies. When you decide to digitise a process, you can expect some form of resistance from people involved in the process to be digitised. 


Why is it worth digitising accounting processes »

In the era of new technologies, the business landscape is changing and adjusting to the requirements of the client who can perfectly navigate the virtual world of products and services. 


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Marzena Rączkiewicz

Tax adviser (Poland)


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