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Due diligence analyses and tax reviews


Our tax due diligence is addressed to national and international organisations which are planning or are about to buy or sell a company (share deal) or an enterprise/an organised part of an enterprise (asset deal) or which are planning or are about to buy or sell a real property or a permanent establishment. This service is also dedicated to enterprises which would like to secure their interest before conducting another transaction by  checking its value or identifying any risk areas. The tax due diligence is addressed to a wide range of clients and can be used for ongoing analysis of the proper tax calculation of almost every entity and every transaction.

Thanks to the due diligence examination you can see the speed and efficiency of the purchase and sale process. The buyer or the seller gets a true picture of the tax situation of the company, enterprise, real property or permanent establishment to be purchased or sold and of the risk areas connected with the transaction. Depending on the client’s needs the examination may be limited to selected taxable areas (e.g. assessment of the reliability of VAT, CIT or PIT accounts) or selected transactions (e.g. lease agreements etc.). It may also be combined with a legal due diligence.

 Ask us for details

​Due diligence and tax review services

A large team of our well-qualified tax experts is at your disposal in Poland and all around the globe. They share their know-how and experience working according to Rödl & Partner group standards. All our projects are tailored to the individual needs and the business vision of our clients and aim at limiting the tax risk before taking the final decision on buying or selling a company (share deals) or an enterprise/an organised part of an enterprise (asset deals) as well as a real property or a permanent establishment.

Thanks to the close collaboration with attorneys at law and the combination of a tax due diligence and a legal review you gain a fair understanding of the actual tax and the legal situation of the target organisation.

​Rödl & Partner’s services in this area include:

  • assessment of the correctness of accounts in all tax areas or concerning selected taxes (e.g. VAT, CIT, PIT, real property tax);
  • analysis of the correctness of accounts and assessment of tax risks related to your business contracts;
  • analysis and assessment of tax risks related to your debts, or encumbrances on the object to be purchased or sold;
  • verification of the pending tax or court proceedings concerning the purchase or sale object.


General Terms and Conditions​Polish-English version
​​Allgemeine Vertragsbedingungen​Polnisch-Deutsche Version

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