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Mergers & acquisitions (M&A)


​​​​​​​​​​​Our legal advice on mergers and acquisitions is dedicated to companies and partnerships that want to merger with or acquire another such entity or entities (including through a share deal or asset deal).

 Ask us for details

Business combinations and acquisitions bring about far-reaching legal and tax implications affecting the company structure and position. The key for a successful merger or acquisition is to ensure the formal correctness of the process and to account for all legal and financial consequences in the context of the present and future market conditions.

Rödl & Partner's professional transactional advice provides above all legal and tax security and minimises the risks to avoid adverse legal or financial consequences. That way you can focus on maximising the cost-effectiveness of your undertaking and implementing it without obstacles and delays.

Throughout the process our attorneys at law work closely together with tax advisers and statutory auditors. Thanks to this multi-faceted collaboration we can account for all legal, tax and financial aspects of every transaction. As a client of Rödl & Partner you can also commission us to prepare or audit your merger plan.
What we do:

  • assess legal consequences and risks of a merger or acquisition;
  • work out merger plans;
  • draft all agreements, resolutions of company authorities, and other documents concerning the merger or acquisition;
  • fill out registration documents and represent you in dealings with the National Court Register.


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Monika Behrens

Attorney at law (Poland)


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Jarosław Kamiński

Attorney at law (Poland)


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