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Demergers and transformations


We address our legal advice on demergers to incorporated companies (limited liability and joint-stock companies) that want to split into two or more entities. Our advice on transformations is dedicated also to companies and partnerships that want to transform into another type of business entity. We can also support sole proprietors entered in the Polish Central Register and Information on Economic Activity in transformation into an incorporated company.

 Ask us for details

A demerger is a very unique project because every entity has different organisational culture, line of business and assets. Assets of a demerging company may be transferred to an existing or a new entity through a split-up or spin-off, while the company itself may continue operations or be liquidated. Depending on the goal of the demerger and the nature of your business Rödl & Partner's experts will point out the best solutions and help you with the formalities.

The change of legal form in the context of a transformation is a complex process that triggers consequences in numerous legal areas and has financial implications. Our legal and tax advice involves a comprehensive analysis of the consequences and implications in order to choose the target legal form that ensures the achievement of your business goals and minimisation of risks. We can also help you with all formalities connected with changing the legal form.

What we do:

  • assess legal consequences and risks of a demerger or transformation;
  • help you with choosing the best legal form of business;
  • prepare a transformation/demerger plan;
  • draft all agreements, resolutions of company authorities and other documents concerning the transformation/demerger;
  • fill out registration documents and represent you in dealings with the National Court Register.

As a Rödl & Partner's client you can also have us prepare or audit your demerger/transformation plan by commissioning accounting advisory services or assurance and attest services.


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Monika Behrens

Attorney at law (Poland)


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Jarosław Hein

Attorney at law (Poland), Tax adviser (Poland)


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