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Investigative audit and fraud risk management


​The fraud risk management is a service we dedicate to representatives of large international businesses in Poland which are exposed to the risk of financial fraud. The internal control actions are particularly important for those liable to the SOX regulations (the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act and similar regulations in the European Union and other countries) and those who opted for adhering to them voluntarily. 

 Ask us for details

​A thorough and meticulous investigative audit ensures a quick and effective verification of risk and frauds in your enterprise in Poland. The investigation is carried out by an interdisciplinary team of specialists who have long experience in such audits. Our work also helps to establish procedures to prevent similar risks in the future.


Rödl & Partner's unquestionable advantage is the international experience and know-how built over years of work, and the synergy of knowledge and experience of our specialists. You are in touch always with one person only. This improves the communication. The audit work is carried out by a competent team of experts who complement each other (auditors, attorneys at law, tax advisers).

This service consists in checking the risk of, among other things, fraudulent financial reporting, unauthorised expenses, breach of laws and regulations. 

The fraud risk management / investigative audit usually encompasses:

  • fraud prevention advice and risk assessment;
  • creating a control environment and a monitoring system;
  • electronic evidence discovery;
  • forensic services;
  • integrated discovery and dispute resolution services through multi-disciplinary teams.


Additionally, you may want to consider setting up your own internal audit unit and internal training in fraud risk detection for your employees.


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Magdalena Ludwiczak

Auditor (Poland)


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Therese Baginski

Auditor (Poland)


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