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Calls for proposals of investments in energy saving, RES and production of biomethane and biogas


​by Magdalena Skurowska

14 March 2024

The schedule of calls for proposals under the European Funds for Infrastructure, Climate, Environment (in Polish: FEnIKS) 2021–2027 programme has been changed again. 

The programme has a budget exceeding 24 billion euro and is dedicated to improve the country's development through financing of projects that reduce emissions of the economy, build efficient transport systems, improve access to healthcare and strengthen the role of culture in social life.


Calls for proposals in the following areas are scheduled from 29 March to 29 May 2024:

Improvement of energy efficiency (including installation of renewable energy plants) in large and medium-sized enterprises – budget of 188 million zloty

This call will finance capital expenditures to reduce consumption of primary energy by businesses, such as:

  • thermo-modernisation of plant buildings;
  • improvement of energy efficiency of manufacturing processes;
  • improvement of energy efficiency of utility systems, transportation routes and supporting systems;
  • installation of RES systems (e.g. photovoltaics), but only as part of the project.

The project scope must be backed by an energy audit. 

As regards the improvement of energy efficiency of plant buildings, you will need to achieve at least 30% primary energy saving once the project is completed.

The aid will be granted as an interest-free loan, partially forgivable – up to 30% for large and up to 49% for medium-sized enterprises.

Construction or expansion of renewable energy systems for the production of biomethane, and electricity and/or heat from biogas together with energy storage facilities – budget of 300 million zloty

Such projects may encompass also the costs of connection to the gas grid and the energy storage facilities, including infrastructure for the use of cogenerated heat.

The minimum power of the supported systems will need to total for all project components:

  • as regards electricity produced from biogas: over 0.5 MWe;
  • as regards heat produced from biogas: over 0.5 MWe.

The aid will be granted in the form of a loan (from 51% of granted aid) and subsidy (up to 49% of granted aid). Total state aid intensity cannot exceed the permissible limits set in separate laws – as regards investment aid to promote energy from renewable sources, the basic limit is 45% of eligible costs.

Other calls for proposals that may be particularly interesting for businesses are scheduled as follows:

1. Construction, expansion and modernisation of smart gas distribution networks
from 29/12/2023 to 22/04/2024; budget of 700 million zloty

2. Development of waste recycling in enterprises
from 31/10/2024 to 30/12/2024; budget of 100 million zloty

3. Optimisation of raw materials and waste management in enterprises
from 31/10/2024 to 30/12/2024; budget of 40 million zloty

4. Development of infrastructure for intermodal transport
from 04/11/2024 to 30/06/2025; budget of 1 billion zloty

If you plan to invest in the above areas, contact us. Rödl & Partner provides comprehensive support in state aid, including from the FEnIKS programme.


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Magdalena Skurowska

New investment expert

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