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2020-2022 CSR strategy

Direction: care. 2020–2022 CSR strategy






​Green by nature​Green is our corporate colour. We take real actions which are within our reach to minimise our environmental impact.​Eco-office in all our locations and ecological education of employees.
​Our development​We create a friendly workplace. We care about good atmosphere and professionalism. Development of our employees translates into development of our organisation. We focus on new technologies.​Development of professional skills and soft skills of our employees.
Retaining talents in the organisation.
Promoting workplace diversity.
Automation of soft skill development in the firm.
​Focus on principles​Ethical and lawful conduct is the top priority for us, both in external and in internal communication. Care about fair and clear rules of collaboration is our foundation for building relationships.​Improvement of ethical system in the organisation.
Development and communication of the code of best practices.
Responsible collaboration with suppliers.
​Focus on surroundings​We are a reliable social partner. We share our best with others. We start interaction to understand the needs of those around us. We promote the prestige of the professions involved in our business activity.Donation rules. 
Supporting public benefit organisations and collaboration with universities.



Contact Person Picture

Therese Baginski

Auditor (Poland)


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