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Tax compliance


​​​​Tax compliance is especially convenient for companies which have subsidiaries, branch offices and establishments. Whatever your line of business you will find it difficult to keep up with legislative changes in all countries you operate in.

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Our tax compliance service helps you minimise tax risks across all your locations. At the same time, Rödl & Partner's specialists use their practical knowledge of the tax law of individual countries to reduce your tax burden – both locally and across your group of companies. This way each and every branch and the company as a whole achieves saving.


Rödl & Partner's tax compliance service gives you a guarantee of access to top class specialists in tax and local law from the many countries in which we are present. By working mainly for international businesses Rödl & Partner's experts are able to understand the specificity of associated enterprises, their cross-border transactions and domestic tax accounts.

Tax compliance includes:

  • monitoring of due dates;
  • calculating tax burden on dividend payments;
  • taking over payment processing;
  • delivering data for deferred tax calculations in your group;
  • assisting in transfer pricing documentation for your subsidiary, branch or establishment.


Contact Person Picture

Aneta Bolka


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Tomasz Balcerak

Tax adviser (Poland)


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