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RES reference prices 2021 – draft regulation of the Ministry of Climate and Environment


​by Jakub Plebański

9 March 2021 

The Ministry of Climate and Environment has published a draft regulation setting the maximum prices of electricity which investors may offer in this year’s renewable energy auctions, i.e. reference prices.


Prices of wind power and photovoltaic power will be lower than last year. Investors in hybrid projects may count on lower electricity purchase prices than the Climate Ministry previously stated.


The price of wind power from plants rated more than 1 MW will be lower than last year. The suggested price is 230 zloty / MWh, compared to 250 zloty / MWh the year before and 285 zloty / MWh two years ago. The price of wind power from plants up to 1 MW will remain at the last year’s level of 320 zloty / MWh.


As regards photovoltaic power from plants of up to 1 MW, the price will be reduced from 385 zloty / MWh two years ago and 360 zloty / MWh last year – to 340 zloty / MWh. Investors in photovoltaic plants with power exceeding 1 MW must expect the reference price of 320 zloty compared to 340 zloty / MWh last year and 365 zloty / MWh two years ago.


As regards hybrid plants with power of up to and above 1 MW, the reference price will be 415 zloty / MWh and 410 zloty / MWh, respectively, while the ministry officials previously talked about prices to the tune of 615 zloty / MWh and 595 zloty/MWh.


The government is now working on the draft. ​​​


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Jakub Plebański

Lawyer (Poland)

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