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Electricity price cap for enterprises – changes in 2024


by Jakub Plebański

11 January 2024

Persistently high market prices of electricity have prompted the legislator to extend certain aid mechanisms for enterprises into 2024.

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises – price cap until 30 June 2024

The major mechanism to aid this group of enterprises in purchasing electricity is the price cap, which the legislator has extended until 30 June 2024. The electricity price cap for the above-mentioned group has been set at 693 zloty/MWh net (VAT and excise duty not included).
Under the statute, the price cap may be used only insofar as the enterprise consumes electricity for its core business. Another important criterion is that only those who are connected to the distribution or transmission network are eligible for the price cap.  
A formal requirement to use the price cap is to deliver "a statement that the criteria for being an eligible customer have been met". The statement in written or electronic form (with a qualified electronic signature) should be submitted to the energy seller. 
To benefit from the price cap throughout the period from 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024, enterprises should submit the said statement by 31 January 2024. If the statement is submitted after that deadline, the price cap will be used only from the month following the month in which the statement has been submitted. Please note that the enterprises that previously submitted a statement allowing them to benefit from the price cap in 2023 and were eligible for the price cap as of 31 December 2023, are not required to make a new statement for 2024. However, this does not apply to the enterprises that, as of 1 January 2024, did not meet the criteria for being an eligible customer – in this respect, it is particularly important to check whether an entity qualifies as a large enterprise in the new year.

Micro, small, medium-sized enterprises – electricity prices in the second half of 2024

At present, there is no regulatory framework in place to permit the use of the price cap in the second half of 2024. Whether this mechanism can be extended in time will most likely depend on the state of public finances and the situation on the electricity market. 

Large enterprises 

The price cap does not apply to large enterprises.  However, some of them may apply for support under the scheme entitled "Aid for energy-intensive industry related to natural gas and electricity prices in 2023". Energy-intensive enterprises that are predominantly active in the sectors specified in the government scheme and have incurred, as described therein, increased energy purchase expenses are eligible for support.


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Jakub Plebański

Lawyer (Poland)

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