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Managing Partners



 Prof. Dr. Christian Rödl

Managing Partner
Chairman of the Management Board​
Attorney at Law (Germany), Certified Tax Consultant (Germany)
+49 911 9193 1000
+49 911 9193 7000

 Renata Kabas-Komorniczak

Managing Partner

Certified Tax Consultant (Poland)

+48 22 244 00 00


Managing Partner 
Attorney at Law (Germany), Specialist Lawyer for Tax Law, Certified Tax Consultant (Germany)

T      +49 7117 8191 4465
+49 7117 8191 4449

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 Nicola Lohrey

Managing Partner
Attorney at Law (Germany), Avocat à la Cour 

+33 1 5692 3125
+33 1 5692 3129

 dr. Felix Madeja

Managing Partner​
Chief Financial Officer
Certified Tax Consultant (Germany)

+49 911 9193 1010

 Martin Wambach

Managing Partner
Chief Digital Officer 

Certified Public Auditor (Germany), Certified Tax Consultant (Germany), Environmental Auditor (Germany), IT Auditor IDW (Germany)​

+49 221 9499 091 00
+49 221 9499 099 00 

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 Dr. Hans Weggenmann

Managing Partner 

Certified Tax Consultant (Germany)

+49 911 9193 1050
+49 911 9193 7050


Contact Person Picture

Christian Rödl

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