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Call for applications for funding of industrial high-efficiency cogeneration


by Magdalena Skurowska

6 July 2022


The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has announced a call for applications for funding under the priority programme "Cogeneration for Energy and Industry".


It is designed to promote the use of high-efficiency cogeneration – the simultaneous production of heat and electricity – in industry.


Types of projects

The funding is for projects involving the construction and/or conversion of generating units with a total installed capacity of no less than 10 MW, operating as high-efficiency cogeneration installations (except for energy produced in a coal-fired cogeneration unit), including their connection to the transmission grid, where energy is recovered from:

  • waste heat,
  • renewable energy sources,
  • gaseous fuels, gas mixtures, synthetic gas or hydrogen.


The project may also involve grid connection and energy storage.


Installations from which no more than 30% of useful heat produced in a cogeneration unit will be fed into a district heating system are eligible for funding.



Enterprises in the business of energy production, with an installed thermal and/or electrical capacity of no less than 50 MW.


Forms of aid

  • Loan of up to 300 million zloty and 100% of eligible costs.
  • Subsidy of up to 50% of eligible costs.


Subject to additional limits under state aid regulations.



Applications are accepted on a continuous basis until 16 December 2022 or until the allocated funds are exhausted:

  • amount allocated for funding as a loan – up to 100 million zloty
  • amount allocated for funding as a subsidy – up to 100 million zloty.


Rödl & Partner experts will be happy to answer all your questions. You are welcome to contact us.


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Magdalena Skurowska

New investment expert

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