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We know the schedule of calls for applications under the European Funds for the Modern Economy programme in 2023


​by Magdalena Skurowska

26 January 2023

The long-awaited major programme offering financial support to businesses from the EU budget for 2021-2027 has finally been announced. The total financial allocation for the programme in the current year is 21 billion zloty and will be a potential source of support for many enterprises, research organisations and business facilitators.

Below are the deadlines and subject matter of the most important first calls for applications for enterprises.

SMART track

from 21 February to 12 April, 13 April to 15 June, 5 September to 31 October 2023 (and additional deadlines for consortia and for projects to increase accessibility of products and services for people with cognitive and physical barriers)

1. Types of projects: 
  • R&D – industrial research, experimental development, feasibility studies, work on the creation, development, testing and preparation for the implementation of new or significantly improved products and services in various sectors,
  • implementation of innovations,
  • additionally, projects may include: R&D infrastructure, digitisation, greening through pro-environmental activities, internationalisation, development of staff competencies.

For large enterprises, R&D is mandatory; SMEs can choose between R&D and implementation of innovations.

2. Form of support: grant

3. Applicants: SMEs, large enterprises, consortia

IPCEI (Important Projects of Common European Interest)

from 15 March to 14 April 2023

1. Types of projects: highly innovative sector-specific and important EU-wide R&D projects and first industrial implementations

2. Form of support: grant

3. Applicants: enterprises


from 30 June 2023 to 4 June 2024

1. Types of projects: preparation of projects applying for funding in centrally managed EU aid programmes

2. Form of support: grant

3. Applicants: SMEs, research organisations

Brand promotion for innovative SMEs

from 20 June to 20 September 2023

1. Types of projects: brand promotion for enterprises with significant export potential on international markets – participation in trade fairs and conferences and economic missions

2. Form of support: grant 

3. Applicants: SMEs 

Technology loan

from 23 March to 31 May 2023

1. Types of projects: implementation of own or acquired technologies in the form of industrial property rights or results of development work, industrial research or unpatented technical knowledge

2. Form of support: technology bonus – a refund of the principal amount of the technology loan

3. Applicants: SMEs

Green loan

from 6 June to 17 August 2023

1. Types of projects: improvement of energy efficiency through modernisation of infrastructure, transition to green energy sources, investments in new or improved products and processes

2. Form of support: green bonus – a refund of the principal amount of the green loan

3. Applicants: SMEs, small and midcaps 

IPCEI (Important Projects of Common European Interest) hydrogen technology

from 15 March to 14 April 2023

1. Types of projects: hydrogen production, distribution and storage, including the development of technologies and systems for the use of hydrogen in these areas as part of the implementation of important projects of common European interest

2. Form of support: grant

3. Applicants: enterprises

At Rödl & Partner, we advise companies in the above-mentioned areas and support them in applying for funding from national and EU-funded aid programmes. For more information feel free to contact our experts.


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Magdalena Skurowska

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