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Subsidies for electricity and heat storage facilities


​​​​by Magdalena Skurowska

30 January 2025

The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has announced its plan to implement a scheme under the name “Electricity storage facilities and related infrastructure for improving the stability of the Polish electricity grid”, to finance electricity and heat storage facilities, still this year. 

Who can benefit from the scheme?

The scheme will target all enterprises except those from the financial sector. It will offer financial support for the construction of electricity storage facilities with no less than 2 MW in power and a capacity of at least 4 MWh. 

Aid intensity

The scheme’s planned budget is more than 4 billion Polish zloty. The funds will be disbursed until 2028.

The scheme provides for subsidies up to 100% of the eligible costs, of which grants can amount up to:

  • 45% for large enterprises,
  • 55% for medium-sized enterprises,
  • 65% for small enterprises.

A soft loan or a hard loan will be available to cover the remaining costs of the project.

The call for applications for the scheme is likely to start as early as the first quarter of 2025. If you would like to obtain more information about the state aid schemes, contact​ us.


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Magdalena Skurowska

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