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e-Deliveries postponed again


by ​Łukasz Napiórkowski

18 December 2023

Sejm, lower chamber of the Polish parliament, has adopted another go-live date for e-Deliveries. The bill amending the date has been sent for the President's signature. The amending act stipulates that inboxes for e-Deliveries will become mandatory no sooner than 30 March 2024 and no later than 1 January 2025. 
The exact date remains unknown. In absence of the required technical infrastructure, the final decision has been left to the minister in charge of information technology, but the final deadline is set at 1 January 2025.
The communication about the technical measures which allow the actual use of e-Deliveries should be published in the Polish Journal of Laws at least 90 days in advance. 

Who needs to have an inbox for e-Deliveries?

Inboxes for e-Deliveries will be mandatory for, among others, non-public entities entered in the National Court Register, such as:

  • limited partnerships, 
  • limited liability companies, 
  • joint-stock companies, 
  • branch offices of foreign enterprises.

Addresses for e-Deliveries still available

Regardless of another postponement of the mandatory e-Deliveries, companies that have to be entered in the National Court Register can already apply for an address for electronic deliveries. By activating this address, you request public authorities to send their communications to that address. This means that generally all official correspondence will be sent to the electronic inbox address once it is activated.

Rödl & Partner's experts will keep you updated on upcoming obligation to use e-Deliveries and will assist you in implementing relevant internal regulations. If you have any questions about e-Deliveries, you are welcome to contact our experts.


Contact Person Picture

Łukasz Napiórkowski

Attorney at law (Poland)

Associate Partner

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