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International Expert Roundtable – Post-Covid-19 challenges and opportunities!

Data wydarzenia 19 maja 2021
Miasto Webinar
Początek - koniec 14:45-15:30

​International Expert Roundtable – Post-Covid-19 challenges and opportunities!



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In our virtual International Expert Roundtable we inform you about worldwide hot topics in the fields of law, tax, business process outsourcing and business.
Challenges resulting from cross-border activities and how to overcome them will be outlined and discussed with you in our expert roundtable. Benefit from the first-hand know-how of our colleagues. Take the opportunity to talk to our international experts.

Due to the still ongoing Corona pandemic and the associated economic consequences, we would like to focus on Post-Covid-19.


Rödl & Partner Germany
Rödl & Partner Mexico
Rödl & Partner Spain
Rödl & Partner Adria Region
Rödl & Partner India


LANGUAGE: in english

After attending the live webinar, you will receive your personal confirmation of participation.



Opłata The 45-minute live webinar is free of charge for you.
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